Raw Gems
Current Favourite Gem:
Gimme Ginger
When I became a Mum I started to change the way we ate, I wanted healthier food for my children. This started a journey of looking for real food recipes with whole food ingredients. I did a bit of research into artificial colours, flavours and sugars, realising how they are in so much of what we eat. The change was gradual but so worth it to feel so good and have the energy needed to play with the kids. This lifestyle continued until they became adults.
When I saw Raw Gems not only did they look amazing but the ingredients in them was real food with no processed sugars, artificial colours and flavours. I knew Germaine’s family from when our kids were young, so I approached her about a franchise. So here we are, doing what I
love, making desserts that are so good for you, but
also taste, Absolutely Delicious!
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Where to find Raw Gems in Mackay